Below you’ll find the most recently published IAB Ipsos iris monthly data for September 2023.
Top 10 News Category (excluding Weather & Aggregators)

Top 10 Finance News Apps and Websites

Media Type:
Brand Group: This is the second level of reporting in Ipsos iris and includes all the media entities and content belonging to a single brand including websites, apps and content distributed on other platforms under this brand such as Apple News and social media.
News Category: This is a ranked list of brand groups and represents their total audience for overall news content. This list excludes weather brands and news aggregator brands.
Finance News: This is a ranked list of brand groups and represents the total audience for finance news websites and apps.
Audience (000s): This is the number of people who have visited or viewed digital content or services within the month of measurement. It is reported in (000s), so 21,111 (000’s) is 21,111,000 people.
AVG. MINS PP:. This is the average number of minutes spent by people who have visited or viewed digital content or services within the month of measurement, it is reported in minutes.
Not tagged: Refers to sites that do not have Ipsos iris tagging and rely on the Ipsos iris panel for volumetric data such as time spent.
Tagged: refers to sites that have Ipsos iris tagging which provides census level volumetric data such as time spent. These sites will also include distributed content from social media such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter as well as the Google News app.
Data should be sourced as follows:
If using table as supplied (both metrics and both time periods):
Source: Ipsos iris Online Audience Measurement Service September and August 2023, Age 14+, PC/laptop/smartphone/tablet, Text only, Brand Group, Audience (000s), AVG MINS PP
If reporting time periods or metrics individually:
Source: Ipsos iris Online Audience Measurement Service September 2023, Age 14+, PC/laptop/smartphone/tablet, Text only, Brand Group, Audience (000s), AVG MINS PP